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White rice, or basmati rice (baz-MAH-tee), is mostly farmed in Pakistan, India, and the Himalayas; India produces almost two-thirds of the world's supply. This long-grain rice is excellent in rice pilaf and as a side dish for curries. It has a subtle nutty taste and flowery scent. Usually, there are two types of basmati rice: white and brown. While brown basmati rice may be purchased at many health food shops, white basmati rice is more widely available. In addition to having a stiffer texture and a nuttier, more intense taste, brown rice offers more fiber. In comparison to white rice, it takes longer to cook.
Basmati rice's graceful long grains are what give it its beauty. Rinsing the rice to remove part of the starch makes it lovely and fluffy, ideal for pilafs or enjoyed on its own with roasted meat and veggies and gravied curries.
B vitamins, notably B1 (thiamine), are abundant in basmati rice. Each serving provides 22% of your recommended daily consumption. Wernicke encephalopathy may result from thiamine shortage, which is essential for brain function.
◉ Contributes to brain health: Not only is basmati rice a great source of antioxidants and dietary fiber, but it's also a strong source of vitamin B1's thiamine. It is well recognized that thiamine is a crucial component that keeps the brain healthy and reduces the chance of Wernicke encephalopathy, a serious illness that may be fatal if thiamine levels are low.
◉ Helps In Weight Loss: Even if it seems unlikely, basmati rice may help you lose weight. Because basmati rice's fiber gradually breaks down in the body, it makes you feel fuller for longer periods of time and encourages you to eat less throughout the day. In addition, basmati rice has fewer calories than other grainy varieties. You may cut the calorie count by 20 with only one serving. For this reason, basmati rice is a great option if you're wanting to reduce weight.
◉ Good source of dietary fiber: Compared to other rice varieties, basmati rice has a higher level of nutritional fiber. Because of this, basmati rice has a low glycemic index. Rice is high in fiber, which is a kind of non-starchy vegetable gum. This is advantageous since it aids in both bodily cleaning and digestion. Additionally, fiber is believed to protect against stomach cancer and heart disease. Consuming more dietary fiber may help reduce the chance of developing Type 2 diabetes.
◉ Good for heart health: Rice is a fantastic option for those who want to maintain a heart-healthy diet, even if it is not a cardiac medicine. It is a healthy option for those with heart problems because of its high fiber content. Basmati rice is linked to a reduction in hypertension and cholesterol. You should definitely include one more plate of basmati rice in your weekly diet.
Buy Basmati Rice from the health food store in the USA, Alive Herbals.
Product Name | Basmati Rice. |
Scientific Name | Oryza sativa. |
Country of Origin | It is native to India. |
Product Style | Whole. |
Taste & Aroma | The chemical smells really sweet and almost like popcorn. It is quite aromatic. These smells are emitted when any rice is cooked. This explains the distinctive nuttiness of basmati and the nearly buttery taste and sweet, flowery perfume of jasmine. |
Shelf Life & Storage | Shelf life is about 6 - 48 months. Store Astragalus root powder in an airtight container in a cool, dry place and prevent sunlight exposure. |
Precautions | We requested that, Before consuming spices, herbs, teas or any kind of natural products you consult an expert, qualified healthcare practitioner or herbalist. |
Note | This product information has not been appraised by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). For educational purposes only. |