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Aloe ferox is an elegant plant that grows in southern Africa. The Greek word for "fierce" is "ferox," which is the species name for the Cape aloe. This name comes from the leaves, which have sharp edges. The leaf, which is also called "bitter aloe," has been used for a long time in traditional South African herbalism because of its helpful qualities.
Cape aloe is a type of aloe with woody leaves. It is in the family Asphodelaceae. It grows tall and straight, reaching 10 feet in height when it's fully grown. The thick, fatty leaves with spines grow in rosettes along the stem. Most of the time, younger plants have more spines than older ones. Aloe ferox has flowers that look like candelabras. They are spikes of orange-to-red racemes that shoot up several feet above the leaves. Cape aloe grows in dry, rocky places that get full sun and have well-drained soil.
Native groups all over South Africa have used cape aloe for a long time because it is good for your health. The plant has even been used as a protection plant and in traditional body washes in the past. The inner juice of cape aloe is often used in makeup and other products that go on the skin. The dried leaf is also used in recipes for body care on the outside and for health on the inside.
To hydrate parched skin, mix 1 teaspoon to 1 teaspoon of aloe vera powder into any face masque. You may also use aloe vera powder by itself as a hydrating face mask. Treatment for Moisturizing Nails: Apply a paste made from 1 teaspoon of aloe vera powder and water to clean, moist nails.
Aloes cape is a bitter plant that makes you feel sick and makes you go to the bathroom a lot. Aloes Cape has been used for hundreds of years to help people who have irregular bowel movements or need a short-term fix for severe constipation. Aloes Cape has also been shown to help with arthritis.
◉ It has antioxidant and antibacterial properties: The body needs antioxidants to stay healthy. Aloe vera juice has strong antioxidants called polyphenols, which are part of a big group of chemicals. Together with a few other chemicals in aloe vera, these polyphenols help stop the spread of some germs that can make people sick. Aloe vera is known for its ability to kill bacteria, viruses, and germs. This is one reason why it might help treat skin problems and heal scars.
◉ It accelerates wound healing: Most of the time, people rub aloe vera on their faces instead of putting it in their mouths. In fact, it has been used for a long time to heal wounds and burns, especially sunburns. As early as 1810–1820, the United States Pharmacopeia said that aloe vera products could be used to protect the face. Studies show that it works well as a cosmetic treatment for burns of the first and second degree.
For example, a review of controlled studies found that aloe vera could speed up the treatment of burns by about 9 days compared to traditional medicine. It also kept the skin from getting red, itchy, or infected.
◉ It reduces dental plaque: Tooth loss and gum diseases happen to a lot of people. One of the best ways to avoid these problems is to stop plaque, or bacterial biofilms, from building up on the teeth. In a study with 300 healthy people, researchers compared 100% pure aloe vera juice to chlorhexidine, which is a common ingredient in mouthwash.
After 4 days of use, the aloe vera mouth rinse seemed to get rid of tooth plaque just as well as chlorhexidine. Over the course of 15 to 30 days, another study found that aloe vera mouth rinse had the same effects. Aloe vera can kill both the bacteria Streptococcus mutans that make plaque and the yeast Candida albicans in the mouth.
◉ It reduces constipation: Aloe vera might also be able to help with constipation. This time, the benefits come from the rubber and not the oil. The latex is a sticky yellow substance that is right under the leaf's skin. The main chemical that causes this affect is called aloin or barbaloin, and it is well known that it makes you go to the bathroom. But people have raised worries about how safe it is to use often. Because of this, aloe latex has not been sold as an over-the-counter medicine in the U.S. since 2002. Contrary to what most people think, aloe vera doesn't seem to help with other stomach problems like IBS or inflammatory bowel disease.
Buy Aloe Cape Powder from the health food store in the USA, Alive Herbals.
Product Name | Aloe Cape Powder. |
Scientific Name | Aloe Ferox. |
Country of Origin | It is native to South Africa. |
Product Style | Powder. |
Taste & Aroma | Aroma: Bitter & unpleasant. Taste: Bitter & unpleasant. |
Shelf Life & Storage | Shelf Life is about 06 - 36 months. Store it in an airtight container in a cool, dry place and prevent sunlight exposure. |
Precautions | We requested you, Before consuming spices, herbs, teas or any kind of natural products you consult an expert qualified healthcare practitioner or herbalist. |
Note | This product information has not been appraised by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). For educational purposes only. |